
Don’t Prove, Just Live!!

Life is a one-time redeemable coupon. It is upon your choice and wisdom how and for what you utilize it. The awareness that life is here and now only is missing most of the time. We are given a limited number of years, days, hours, minutes, seconds and nanoseconds to spend on this beautiful earth and the irony is that even before we realize that they are slip away too soon. Even when I am typing this article and even when you are reading each word, second by second we are heading towards the inevitable departure.
Every person is allotted each day with an equal amount of wealth of precious 24 hours. However, each person chooses to spend this treasure in a distinct way. Someone might sleep over half of the day. A late evening working out and night parties. However, few humble beings choose to catch a glimpse of rising sun, the morning dews and the beauty of nature. We are no one to judge which lifestyle is better or worse, as a person is responsible for his or her own twenty-four hours. What matters is in these precious living hours how he treats fellow beings, creatures and concretes.

The way a person treats another human being tells a lot about him. A person full of kindness can draw so much of positive energy around himself. The compassionate ones are surrounded by love inevitably and the abundance follows. When you give the love without any judgment, fear or measurement and discrimination, that energy dwells in the cosmos. The energy will surely return to you, increased by manifolds, empowering you more in your capacities. Your life, work, relationships everything is bound to heal and flourish more under its influence.

In today’s era, there is a race to prove. Prove that we are having the best of everything. Best designer wear, best car, best home, best kids, best married life. In order to achieve this, we are constantly on run. Most of the time at parties and get- together, I find people spending more time on clicking pictures rather than interacting. The perfect pictures posted will certify that, yes they had a real good time.

I am not against sharing on social media. We all like to collect memories and share them. However, when the only intention of capturing moments on screen is to prove how much PDA you shower or how much love you people have for each other, or how wonderful your last vacation was, you are hurting your own life. There is no one else in my life, other than me, who can certify that how much my husband loves me. Because it is just between the two of us. Looking at the picture a judgment can be passed. An illusion can be created. But the real feelings and emotions are felt in little gestures like covering up your head with a warm cap or keeping the best piece of cake safe for the loved ones. Showing off is not living, it is plain faking life.

Many a time people are overpowered with jealousy. They start the unending comparison, judgment, and misunderstandings. But what they lack at most is self-improvement. However, when a person tries to clear this misunderstanding, a jealous person will try to interpret a negative message only.

Only when you accept yourself exactly the way you are and love yourself completely with every breath deeply, you can be at peace. You will then see the magic of individuality that you carry within yourself and how special you are in your own way. You will strive to improve without any pressure to prove anything. It will be for your own happiness.

When you stop trying to prove to someone else, it is that moment you start living your own life. The beautiful life, which is precious and has to be lived only once. Live it wisely and let live !!


HAPPINESS…Its always there.

Happiness always seems elusive. We strive for happiness. We try to work hard , earn more money , buy things , go for that long cherished vacation just to feel that happiness which we long for. Does happiness really come from these efforts?

For past few weeks I have been going through this strange phase of  disconnection with things and happenings around me. I used to wake up from my bed,but with a lack of rigour and enthusiasm for the upcoming day. i didn’t had any chalked out plan for the day nor could I gather my thoughts to organise the hours that were at my had to spend.  I mechanically did the chores and spent time doing mundane things.  Creativity was taking a backseat. the monotony was killing me.  I pondered and asked myself that is this the way I want to live ? Is this the kind of person i want to be?

woman lying on flowers
Photo by i love simple beyond on Pexels.com

I have always been a person with lot of positivity.  I realised that I was lacking in efforts. By efforts I mean not in my work , but in realising that how much blessings I have in my life. Lack of gratitude was making it difficult to notice how beautiful life was. I realised happiness is not in searching around but realising that it is within. It is always there. It is our vision that is blurred. There is a difference between happiness and achievement. Happiness is a state of mind. Achievement is a thirst that drives you to attain more and more. It would not necessarily make you happy , though it  would surely make you successful.

To attain state of happiness our mind ,soul and existence should be in rhythm. Not always everything and everyone will be in our control. We can simply just put control over our behaviour and emotions. At times we might be doing our best,but circumstances might not favour us. Losing patience at such point leads to unhappiness. However , looking at the things as an opportunity to grow and improve will make our efforts better. Contentedness is one factor which is very important for happiness. Everyone is running a race. But when you compete with your self, strive to be better person  than what you were in last twenty four hours lead to stress free and holistic improvisation.

Looking at a beautiful flower, spending time with your child listening to them carefully, having a cup of coffee just by yourself peacefully are little instances of happiness . Collecting all such ,moments lead to a happy state of mind. Organise your thoughts, your time , your life and see the little joy through the magnifying glass of heart. Happiness is just within you…reach for it !